Amazon’s Policy on Drop shipping:

Drop Shipping

Amazon allows drop shipping, but with certain conditions and restrictions. Here are the details:



– Drop shipping is permitted if you, as the seller, are the one who purchases the product from a supplier and has it shipped directly to the customer.

– You must be the seller of record and ensure that your supplier ships products in a way that is consistent with Amazon’s policies.


Not Allowed:

– Drop shipping from another online retailer or marketplace (e.g., buying from eBay or Walmart and shipping to Amazon customers).

– Using a third-party shipping service that doesn’t identify you as the seller of record.

– Shipping products that are different from what you described in your Amazon listing.



– You must ensure that your supplier ships products promptly and in accordance with Amazon’s shipping policies.

– You are responsible for customer service and returns, even if you don’t hold inventory.

– You must comply with Amazon’s policies on product safety, intellectual property, and other areas.


Consequences of Violation:

– Account suspension or termination

– Loss of selling privileges

– Legal action


Best Practices:


– Choose reliable suppliers that can ship products promptly and in accordance with Amazon’s policies.

– Ensure that your listings accurately describe the products and shipping times.

– Monitor your supplier’s performance and adjust your business accordingly.


Note : By following Amazon’s policies and guidelines, you can successfully run a dropshipping business on the platform. However, it’s crucial to carefully review and comply with Amazon’s terms to avoid any issues.

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